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The Reasons why Girls drop out of School

According to a report by the World BankRead More

Koko, the Gorilla: A Great Communicator and an Extraordinary Teacher

It's not every day that you come across a gorilla who knows sign language. Koko, the celebrated western lowland...

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Drones Revolutionize Filmmaking

We are living in a time where drones are used not only for sports and news coverage but also increasingly being...

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Society’s Gendered Double Standards for One’s Vulnerability

There was a time when men were dismissed as an ‘emotion-less’ gender. Because of the way boys are socialized, their ability to d...

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Find Your Equillibrium in the Clothes You Wear

The fashion industry is contributing in today’s sustainability challenge in a number of ways. Just like s...

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Bombay Old Fashioned benefits the Light of Life Trust

Back in the Nineties, before Bollywood became mainstream and took over every aspect of our lives, TV channels l...

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All the World’s a Stage, Not in Mumbai Theatre at Least

Frankly, theatre didn’t prove to be that long-cherished platform to tell a story which was of some value to me – a story about a pre-teen boy who was saved from...

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"A New Barbie Collection to Inspire Women "

Every little girl’s favourite doll Barbie will now be seen in different avatars. Just prior to the 2018 International Women’s Day o...

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The ‘Lost City’ in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean under Threat

Deep-sea mineral extraction is regarded as one of the most important global industries of the future, with bill...

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