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Mumbai: Child Rights Body Unveils Rs 1000 Crore Plan To Transform Lives

Plan India, one of the major global child rights organisations, aims to invest Rs 1000 crore in programmes to improve the lives of millions of children over the next five y...

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Ariel Reveals A Father's Secret Anguish

BBDO India and Ariel Matic from P&G have hit the bull's eye once more. Its latest video ad in its 'share the load' campaign, which encourages men to help their wives wi...

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Universal Human Rights - The Foundations Of The Global Goals

This April will mark the third anniversary of one of the world's worst industrial disasters in history. In 2013, over 1,100 workers were tragically killed during the collap...

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Davos 2016: It's Time To Talk About Gender Inequality

“I think every woman in this room has the same question. What’s the hold-up?” asks Bloomberg Television anchor Stephanie Ruhle, as she looks at two male C...

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Arjun Kapoor Talks About Gender Inequality Through Ki & Ka!

Arjun Kapoor feels homemakers are not given their due in the society and the actor says his upcoming film Ki &Ka will begin conversations about them. In the R Balki-dir...

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Hollywood’s Female Filmmakers Open Up About Gender Disparity

With the ongoing clamour over gender parity in Hollywood, women in the film industry offer bracing tales of what to expect — and give encouraging words to keep at it ...

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Hollywood's Female Filmmakers Open Up About Gender Disparity

With the ongoing clamour over gender parity in Hollywood, women in the film industry offer bracing tales of what to expect — and give encouraging words to keep at it ...

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Beyond Pink and Blue!

When a baby is born, the obstetrician announces “It’s a boy” or “It’s a girl.” As babies, children learn to categorize everyone as eithe...

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Owning Property Empowers Women In Unique Ways”: An Interview With Bina Agarwal

Bina Agarwal is a Professor of Development Economics and Environment at the University of Manchester, UK. Prior to this, she was the Director and Professor of Economics at ...

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Just 62 People Now Own The Same Wealth As Half The World's Population, Research Finds

Wealth inequality has grown to the stage where 62 of the world’s richest people own as much as the poorest half of humanity combined, according to a new report. The r...

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