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Identity Of Famous Baby Dinosaur Fossil Revealed

The fossil of a baby dinosaur discovered in China more than 25 years ago has formally been identified as a new species of feathered dinosaur. The hatchling, dubbed Baby Lou...

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Activists: Tokyo's Sustainable Olympics Is Being Built With Wood From Rainforest's

The 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics could be using illegally logged tropical wood from indigenous Malaysians’ land to build a billion-dollar wooden sports stadium, human r...

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Genetic Map Of Dogs Evolution Sheds Light On Cancer & Diabetes

An evolutionary tree of more than 161 dog breeds has been mapped out by geneticists, showing which types are closely related to each other. The research will obviously be o...

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How One Creature Haunts Our Thoughts

A newly-christened species of giant spider was unveiled this week. Kelly Grovier looks at why these creepy-crawlies have long crouched in the dark corners of our imaginatio...

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Repeats, Ad Nauseum

With the Dalai Lama’s visit to Arunachal Pradesh doing the news rounds, there can be no better a time than this for Epic Channel to telecast the first two episodes of...

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New Population Of Rare Tigers Found In Eastern Thailand

A new breeding population of the critically endangered Indochinese tiger has been found in a national park in eastern Thailand, conservationists say. Camera traps discovere...

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World's first fluorescent frog discovered in South America

The world’s first fluorescent frog has been discovered near Santa Fe in Argentina.

Scientists at the Bernardino Rivadavia Natural Sciences Museum in Buenos Ai...

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Images Of New Bleaching On Great Barrier Reef Heighten Fears Of Coral Death

The embattled Great Barrier Reef could face yet more severe coral bleaching in the coming month, with areas badly hit by last year’s event at risk of death. Images ta...

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'Extraordinary' Levels Of Pollutants Found In 10km Deep Mariana Trench

Presence of manmade chemicals in most remote place on planet shows nowhere is safe from human impact, say scientists Scientists have discovered “extraordinary” ...

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Hundreds Of Whales Die In Mass Stranding On New Zealand Beach

Rescuers are trying to save dozens of whales after a mass stranding on a New Zealand beach thought to be the largest in decades. The Department of Conservation (DOC) discov...

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