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Can Social Entrepreneurs Drive Inclusive Growth In India?

Over 60% of the Indian population still live on less than $2 a day. In the World Economic Forum’s Inclusive Growth and Development Report 2015, India is placed second...

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How Street Plays & Theatre Are Raising The Curtain On Violence Against Women In UP

Domestic violence, sexual harassment and dowry cases are not really news in the rural areas of Uttar Pradesh. But a few compassionate activists and organizations are taking...

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The Ethics Of Commercial Surrogacy: Gender Inequality Arguments

This is a follow-up to the previous post on Debra Satz’s analysis of commercial surrogacy. In that post, I reviewed three classic objections to surrogacy and presente...

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Do Women Get More Credit For Leadership?

Research on women who demonstrate stereotypically male behaviors at work has yielded mixed findings. On the one hand, some studies suggest those women are less liked and ev...

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Why Age Discrimination Is Worse For Women

It’s something that’s started to get on peoples’ nerves in pop culture: Hollywood seems totally open to older male actors, but aside from the Helen Mirren...

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That Which Is Rarely Discussed: The Patriarchy With In The Naxalbari Movement

The Naxalite uprising has been since its inception a war waged against the class enemies. Charu Majumder, the frontrunner of the Naxalbari movement declared his “anni...

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Could Paternity Leave Help Tackle Gender Violence?

What’s paternity leave got to do with violence against women and the sexual exploitation of girls? More than you’d think it turns out. Fathers who are involved ...

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Indian Women Facing Inequality At All Stages Of Life Cycle: UN Study

A study of the United Nations released on 20 October 2015 observed that Indian women are facing inequality at all stages of life cycle-from birth to old age-and in all plac...

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Child Marriage: A Devastating Effect Of The Refugee Crisis

The global refugee crisis triggered by the Syrian war and other conflicts poses a major challenge for governments around the world. Behind the scenes, though, it is exacerb...

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Gender Inequality Still Plagues Women Despite Decades Of Advances

Even in 2015, women continue to face challenges in the workforce — from affordable child care to equal pay — despite decades of advancements. That needs to chan...

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