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Dirty Money: Bamboozled Beyond Belief?

‘Do you think it’s dirty money? All money is dirty; if it were clean nobody would want it.&rsq...

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India’s Participation at the Berlinale, 2018

As the curtains fell on the 68th Berlin International Fil...

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Ordinary People making Extraordinary Changes

In our everyday lives, we often overlook the heroes we come across in our everyday life. While celebrating the success of fictional heroes t...

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Indian Premiere of ‘Evening Shadows’ in Bengaluru

The Bengaluru International Film Festival will host the Indian Premiere of award winning filmmaker Sridhar Rangayan’s feature film &ls...

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Subhash Ghai celebrates his Birthday with Gen Next

Birthday is a momentous occasion. Most people crave for an exclusive birthday - one that they can cherish forever. Merrymaking and being wit...

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Trap Door, throws light on Trans Representation and Anti-trans Violence

The increasing representation of trans identity throughout art and popular culture in recent years has been nothing if not paradoxical. Tran...

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Indian Rap Song on Swachhta made by the Slum Kids of Patna is going International

The children of a tiny little slum in Patna are rejoicing over their new-found success and identity. A peppy little song, The Story of Kacharapur made b...

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The Relaunch of the Bimal Roy Anthology

The relevance of re-launching a publication, which has already released to brilliant acclaim might at times be questioned. Often the paperback version is just th...

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Hit and Flops 2017

There were less number of winners and more losers at the box office this year since the overall 2017 number is still about 3% behind last ye...

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Film Festivals dedicated to Architecture

Architecture and film are interlocked: both unfold narrative ideas through space and time, taking us to real and virtual worlds; both start with the imagination ...

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