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Status Single & Lockdown

On April 1, 45-year-old auditor, divorcee, Kriva, who quit her last job in December after being harassed for being single, picked on for lookin...

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Guns & Roses: Bollywood’s Dacoit Women

Film historian Dhruv Somani reminds you of the time when women characters wouldn’t take nonsense from the Thakur potenta...

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Scent of Music: AR Rahman

Khalid Mohamed rewinds to one of his chatty conversations with the Mozart of Madras.


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Khalid Mohamed quizzes Bani J, the young woman on the go who’s made a wow impact as a bisexual woman in love in Season 2...

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Politically Left Handed: Subhashini Ali

Vinta Nanda chats with Subhashini Ali about why after a long time and now in the times of COVID-19, when all other politics se...

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The Master: Soumitra Chatterjee on Satyajit Ray

Even under the uncertainty facing the world at large, following the outbreak of Covid-19, a valiant bid is on in Kolkata to celebrate the cente...

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News Media: The End..

Geeta Datta, programmer and veteran reporter, views news broadcasting from what goes on inside newsrooms and explains why the ...

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Justice for Women Amidst COVID-19

A new report documents major challenges to women’s access to justice in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and puts forth recommendations...

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Labour, Rights, Disaster and Capitalism

The global pandemic crisis gripping the world currently has claimed over a quarter of a million lives. It has decimated livelihoods and incomes...

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Exhausted: Face Masked & Barefoot

As the lockdown restrictions are being relaxed gradually in the country, scores of migrant laborers who have lost their jobs have attempted to ...

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