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How Obama’s Getting Americans To Care About Climate Change

BARACK OBAMA HAS a way with words?for which he?s been both vilified (all talk!) and adored (so inspiring!). Hate or love, nobody can deny he?s good at communicating. Case i...

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How Obama?? Getting Americans To Care About Climate Change

BARACK OBAMA HAS a way with words??or which he?? been both vilified (all talk!) and adored (so inspiring!). Hate or love, nobody can deny he?? good at communicating. Case i...

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Hear The Poor Cry

A Very significant document has come out. It is a letter from Pope Francis addressed to everyone on this planet.

Pope Francis is head of the world’s largest r...

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Small Loans Mean Big Opportunities For Women In The Philippines.

Like most women around the world, the women of Talisay, a small city on the central Philippine island of Negros, juggle many duties throughout the day. They manage the hous...

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Indian Private Hospitals Biggest Beneficiaries Of International Aid Programmes

The biggest recipients of investment through aid programmes of rich nations have been the large commercial hospital chains in the emerging economy countries. Limited to a f...

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Climate Change Fight Will Help Global Economy, Al Gore Tells Toronto Conference

Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore said fighting climate change will be a boon to the global economy, despite critics? fears that abandoning fossil fuels will cripple world...

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Here?s The Most Lucrative Way To Fight Climate Change

A new report outlines how to grow the economy and stymie climate change at the same time Economists, politicians and scientists have long debated how (and whether) climate ...

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Climate Change Concert Calls For More Investment In Green Energy

Around 100 people gathered on the Alberta legislature grounds Saturday afternoon, trying to convince politicians that a strong economy and healthy environment are not mutua...

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Prince Charles: Rewire The Global Economy To Stop Climate Change

Prince Charles has said that ?profound changes? to the global economic system are needed in order to avert environmental catastrophe, in an uncompromising speech delivered ...

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Singapore Pledges New 2030 Greenhouse Gas Targets To Limit Climate Change

Singapore has outlined two new environmental targets for the country for the year 2030, in line with global plans to limit climate change and its impact on the world. The G...

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