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UK’s Human Rights Watchdog supports de-medicalising of the Gender Recognition Process

According to the Equality and Human Rights Commission, a person wishing to change gender doesn’t require a gender recognition certificate...

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#MeToo Movement in India

On October 15, 2017, actress Alyssa Milano encouraged spreading the hash tag #MeToo, in an attempt to draw attention to s...

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CinemAbility: A Documentary that explores Disability in TV and Films in Hollywood

While there are many powerful documentary films that tackle important subjects, few have the far-reaching influence of Jenni Gold’s C...

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Be inspired by the Real-life Chronicles of this Year

Though we love to get lost in fantastical fictional tales, every now and then, be it a classic murder mystery or a romantic one, it’s nic...

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Why Modi Government's Renaming Frenzy is a Political Act of Invasion

You have a right to name that which you have built. But no right to rename that which has been built by oth...

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Women who are redefining Social Media Activism

Social media is not just about posting #sunkissed selfies and #KikiChallenge videos on Instagram. It is a suppl...

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Shades of Saffron in Good Faith

Saba Naqvi, an accomplished and admired journalist in India, has always fascinated me. I’ve been watching her on prime-time television de...

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Concerns about Sexual Assault and Harassment at Music Festivals

Music festivals are events where you can unwind, enjoy listening to performances by a variety of artists, down ...

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Aiyanna 2018 - Young Prodigies showcase Ingenious Designs at the WWI School of Fashion’s Graduation Fashion Show

Stylish, edgy fad, fuelled with fun and excitement were afloat as the students presented their upbeat collectio...

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You are the true heroes, Serena Williams offers encouragement to other Mothers

It’s not easy to believe that the tennis player with most championship wins in history would ever feel li...

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