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Adani's Carmichael Mine Granted 'Unprecedented' Powers, Says Report

Powers granted by the Queensland government for Adani’s proposed Carmichael mine are unprecedented for a private commercial development, new findings reveal. Legal an...

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Jane Fonda To Be Honored At Equality Now Gala

Equality Now, the international human rights organization dedicated to women’s and girls’ rights, is pleased to announce that it will honor four powerhouses for...

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Abortion, Contraception, And Equality: Honoring 100 Years Of Reproductive Rights

October 16, 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of Planned Parenthood, an organization that has fought from its outset to ensure that women are...

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What If Nature, Like Corporations, Had The Rights Of A Person?

In recent years, the US supreme court has solidified the concept of corporate personhood. Following rulings in such cases as Hobby Lobb...

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Why Women’s Empowerment Must Start With Land Rights

Property and citizenship are in many ways what define us, and they interact in fascinating ways.
To understand how property ownership strengthens people’s abilit...

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The Law Cannot Be Blind Kaleidoscope

12 Angry Men, written by Reginald Rose in 1957 was a teleplay, converted to a film by the great Sidney Lumet. The play is one of the classics of modern theatre&mda...

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Can India Benefit From A Human Rights Framework For Business?

On 26 June 2014, the government made a commitment at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), when it voted in favour of a resolution to establish an open-ended int...

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Activists Oppose Child ‘Help’ In Family Enterprises

Argue that proposed amendments to Act will only enable legalising child labour Amidst efforts by the Union Labour Ministry to bring in certain amendments to the Child Labou...

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True Review Television - New Battlegrounds At Prime Time

Drama on late Prime Time on Star Plus unfolds on the streets of Bundalganj and in a Delhi courtroom. The two shows which have taken telling turns in their plot are Tamanna ...

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The Rights Of The Terminally Ill

The draft Bill fails to protect the constitutional rights of patients who wish to have their decisions about medical treatment respected. Euthanasia has always been fraught...

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