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A Single Blood Test For All Cancers? Illumina, Bill Gates And Jeff Bezos Launch Startup To Make It Happen

What if a simple blood test could detect any cancer early, when it was still easy to treat? It sounds like science fiction. But Illumina, the $24 billion (market cap) biote...

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Yes, Even Doctor Barbie Sends Girls the Wrong Message

The last few years have been tough ones for Barbie. Sales have declined significantly, dropping 16 percent in 2014 alone. In an effort to jumpstart the sagging brand, Matte...

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The Human Incubator

Sometimes, the best way to progress isn’t to advance — to step up with more MONEY, more technology, more modernity. It’s to retreat. Towards the end of th...

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Human Rights Day 2015 - Human Rights In Childbirth As A Global Movement

In May 2012, the first ever Human Rights in Childbirth Conference took place at The Hague. The conference brought together lawyers, doctors, midwives, anthropolog...

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Retroscope - The Healing Touch

The following is no filmy story. But it has the possibility of inspiring a Raju Hirani or a Vidhu Vinod Chopra with a central character who is as delightful as Munnabhai an...

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Bollywood Celebs And Doctors Raise HIV - AIDS Awareness Campaign

1st December Tuesday marks 29 years of commemorating World AIDS Day, and in that time HIV has gone from a “death sentence” to a manageable and treatable chronic...

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In India, IBM?? Watson Will Aid Cancer Care Where Doctors Are Scarce

IBM and a?large hospital system in India have partnered to?diagnose and treat cancer care in a country of 1.2 billion residents who often cannot access oncologists, leaving...

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Sidharth Malhotra To Raise Awareness About Diabetes.

The actor will join a press conference organised by his eye doctor on Monday here. Sidharth, who’s quite health conscious, says diabetes can strike anyone, irrespecti...

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How High Speed Communications Networks Are Making Remote Surgery Realistic

Imagine a future where surgeons no longer have to enter war zones to treat soldiers injured on the battlefield. Instead, they would just rig themselves up to a?surgical rob...

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15th River To River - Press Release And Invite For The Pre-Opening Exhibition.

A tribute to Deepa Mehta, known all over the world for her Elements trilogy. On Sunday 6 December (8.30 pm), the Indian director will present ...

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