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Outpost: The Port Eliot Festival.

Deep in the Cornish countryside, in the tiny village of St Germans, sits the house and estate of Port Eliot. A plot of land Napoleon himself claimed to be the most beautifu...

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Nodes Of Exploitation And Discontent: Economy In Fallout

Coming from a limited understanding of economics it is difficult for me to comment on the social economic landscape that dominates international markets and the intricate f...

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Why AI Can Still Hardly Pass An Eighth Grade Science Test

An artificial intelligence competition that asked AI models to answer eighth-grade science questionsannounced its winners this week—but it doesn’t look like rob...

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Kaleidoscope - Countdown To META

The Mahindra Excellence in Theatre Awards, the only event of its kind in the country, at which the best of Indian Theatre is awarded, following a festival of the shortliste...

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Rediscovering Hidden Treasures : Hirak Rajar Deshe

The most renowned Indian film maker internationally, doubtless, is Satyajit Ray. His advent with the iconic debut, PatherPanchali (The Song of the Road) heralded an outstan...

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The End of Big Data

Personal data is anything but personal. Our phones and televisions listen in on us; the most powerful corporations in the world trade in consumer tics, browsing histories, ...

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It’s Time For Gender-Free Pronouns

A teacher is a teacher, whether male or female, a novelist is a novelist, but a ballerina is distinguishable from a male dancer. And there is a tendency to call a person on...

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Content Makeover

Television channels are known to have shrugged their shoulders at non-Hindi preferred viewers. The argument being: these eyeballs aren?t money spinners. It is indeed ironic...

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Deep inside every woman I have ever known across the many hierarchies that paint my world is vacuum; the result of an endless internal conflict that remains unresolved.


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In India, Dispensers of Balm Travel To Deaths Door

A white van coursed through narrow roads along the monsoon-soaked coastline of Kerala, a state in southwestern India. Inside, Radha Upasarna, a volunteer, and two nurses lo...

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