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Mirrors: Capturing And Recording The Collective Consciousness Through Media

In the recent wake of the Yakub Memon case, opinions have been polarized creating a rift, a schism of thought and identity has manifested in the nation’s collective c...

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Of A Biased Media, Yakub Memon And Baby Crows!

So as I walked into the elevator that would take me to my apartment on the 7th floor after work last evening, in walked with me a lady well over 75 years of age.

I ...

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An Elite Cafeteria Or A Canteen For Everyone?

June 30, 2015, 9.15 pm

I heaved a sigh of relief as I put down my purse, lunchbox, umbrella and some vegetables I ...

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Children's Film Festival In Hyderabad In November

International Children’s Film Festival of India (ICFFI) – 2015 will be held in Hyderabad from November 14 to20. About 200 children’s films in various lang...

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Rural India To Dominate Next Set Of Internet Users.

India, with over 300 million internet users, is the second largest mobile market of the world, only after China. But, 300 million out of 1.2 billion population, surely leav...

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Silver Screen, Big Dreams

The Delhi cine buffs are in for a treat with the five-day 6th Jagran Film Festival (JFF) bringing some of the best Indian and foreign films. Kicking off in the Capital the ...

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GAIT Collaborates With GLOBAL WATER DANCES & The Children Of Lakshyam School

June 20, 2015

 On June 20, 2015, people from over seventy locations across six continents will assemble to revere, renew, and inspire solution...

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Explosive Intervention By Pope Francis Set To Transform Climate Change Debate

The most anticipated papal letter for decades will be published in five languages on Thursday. It will call for an end to the ?tyrannical? exploitation of nature by mankind...

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Techno-Visionaries And The Philosopher’s Stone

“I think that novels that leave out technology misrepresent life as badly as Victorians misrepresented life by leaving out sex.”

– Kurt Vonnegut Read More


~ The world to witness the dialog of Arts & Encounter of Cultures ~
~ 7000 participants from 125 countries over 14 days ~

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