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Defining sustainable development: The woman who started it all

Ahead of the Macao International Environmental Co-operation Forum (MIECF), keynote speaker Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, Special Envoy on Climate Change for the UN, looks back ...

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Life OK?s channel driver Mahakumbh- Ek Rahasaya, Ek Kahani, is a unique challenger to the saas-bahu sagas at primetime. Grabbing eyeballs on weekdays at 8 pm, the supernatu...

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Care about global climate change? Then fight local air pollution

Leaders of developing countries should take a look at a new study by professors and researchers at Harvard, Yale, and the University of Chicago, and keep it in mind when th...

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Sustainable development by, for people

The year 2015 is going to be a busy time for government planners, climate negotiators, international donors and concerned citizens. In less than a year’s time the wor...

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Vanita Kohli Khandekar: The return of the storytellers

Congressman Frank Underwood is livid when he discovers that he will not get the Secretary of State position he was promised by a president whom he helped get elected. He th...

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Cameron, Clegg and Miliband sign pledge to tackle climate change

The UK?s Prime Minister, deputy Prime Minister and leader of the opposition have committed to working together to battle climate change. The cross-party pledge commits the ...

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215 million indians have zero assets

As PM Modi makes it clear that “inclusion” is the new emerging political mantra in the country, a new report estimates that 215 million Indians are excluded fro...

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What to Call a Doubter of Climate Change?

The words are hurled around like epithets. People who reject the findings of climate science are dismissed as ?deniers? and ?disinformers.? Those who accept the science are...

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Angelina Jolie Helps Launch New Centre For Women, Peace and Security

The London School of Economics and Political Science today hosted First Secretary of State William Hague and UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie to launch the UK’s fir...

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Modi was silent when he had to speak and spoke when he needn’t have

The BJP’s troubles began when the prime minister continued in the sloganeering and promise mode of electioneering for too long.

The ...

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