Runner reaches finish line after thousand-mile charity journey
by The Daily Eye Team February 5 2014, 2:40 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 43 secsAfter six brutal weeks of running in mostly subzero temperatures, Rich Lucchese caught a break on Saturday.
It was a balmy 48 degrees as he wrapped up his six-month, 1,050-mile Run FAR (For A Refuge).
Simultaneously smiling and crying, he burst into a Run FAR reception at Tellus360 on King Street to cheers and applause from family, friends and supporters.“I feel a lot of relief and I’m so excited, all at the same time,” he said.
He hugged his wife, Melody Lucchese.
“I’m just so proud of him,” she said. “He’s worked so hard. It’s taken a toll on his body. He made it look easy, but it wasn’t. He probably could have collected money for the hours he napped, he came home so tired.”