Vivek Oberoi To Donate 10,000 Face Masks To Traffic Cops
by The Daily Eye Team February 11 2017, 6:29 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 48 secsVivek Oberoi has always been at the forefront of noble causes and has contributed to the society in his own ways. The actor who serves as the anti-tobacco spokesperson for World Health Organization and also associated with Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) for more than a decade has come up with a social awareness campaign ‘HawaBadlo’- a short film that highlights the issue of air pollution in collaboration with ONE foundation and GAIL (Gas Authority of India Limited). To drive the message home, Vivek’sone foundation has come up with a hard-hitting video that makes you question your conduct towards traffic cops.The actor will give away 10,000 anti-pollution face masks for the traffic cops.Vivek says, “Salute to the traffic cops who put their health at risk for our safety. It’s a small initiative. I would request people to come forward and support the cause – HawaBadlo.”