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Posting a Dancing Video a Crime in Conservative Iran

How often do you come across videos of women dancing on your social media feeds? Probably, frequently, if not e...

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Call Her Ganda: A Mother's Chance to fight for her Daughter

Call Her Ganda, a documentary by Filipino-American director PJ ...

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Love lost in Yesteryear’s Prem Nagar

Prem Nagar – a lovers’ lane – has gone under. That one spot shielded from voyeuristic eyes by...

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No Country For Ghettos

The horrors of racism just never cease. A few days ago, a 22-year-old black man was shot to death in his own backyard, when cops supposedly mistook his cell phone for a gun...

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A Sci-Fi Doc where HIV never Existed

According to World Health Organization, since the beginning of the epidemic, more than 70 million people have been infected with the HIV/AIDS virus and about 35 million peo...

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Has Justice for Women in India Improved?

In 1890, a case of a Bengali child bride named Phulmani, who died following brutal conjugal intercourse went to trial in the Calcutta Sessio...

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India's Battle Against Sexual Violence

Sexual violence against women is a global concern. In the United States, there are around 293,000 victims of sexual assault every year. Sexual assault is also underreported...

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Remedying a Greek Tragedy

In a small corner of Athens in Greece, everyday, a group of migrant women gather- not to formulate protests or prepare speeches, but to teach.

Classes range from se...

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Brief Encounters

Female bonding is rare in Bollywood movies, so a play about strangers meeting in a railway waiting room on a stormy night has been doing well in multiple languages.  Read More

The hills, they are burning elsewhere too…

Can you imagine a world without any shops or cars? Where the streets are empty except when a herd of people shouting slogans pass by the town square twice every day. A shor...

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