Florida Georgia Line Fights Hunger At Food Bank In NYC
by The Daily Eye Team May 5 2014, 1:12 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 42 secsAward-winning duo Florida Georgia Line put down their guitars and picked up boxes of food at the Food Bank For New York City in support of Outnumber Hunger this week. The record-breaking duo is the face of this year’s Outnumber Hunger campaign, collaboration between General Mills, Big Machine Label Group and Feeding America that helps fight hunger in local communities. Since 2011, Outnumber Hunger has secured 25 million meals to date for local food banks across the country.Florida Georgia Line and additional Big Machine Label Group artists are featured on boxes of more than 90 popular General Mills products. By entering codes from these special boxes at www.OutnumberHunger.com, Americans can help Feeding America secure five meals on behalf of a local food bank. General Mills will donate 55.5 cents to Feeding America, up to $1.2 million by January 31, 2015.