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Technology, a Key Driver to close Gender-gap at Workplace

Technology is now a big part of our society and our foreseeable future. There is little room for people that wish to live without technology, and luckily, it is still advan...

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Mental Health as Important as Physical Health in the Workplace

Theresa May has been urged  by some of Britain’s leading business leaders to act on a pledge to make mental health first aid mandato...

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Respect Human Rights to achieve Sustainable Development

An UN human rights expert urged the Cambodian Government to work more closely with civil society groups, and said the best way for the country ...

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The Rapidly Changing Climate needs More Aggressive Action

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the international body for accessing the science related to climate change. The IPCC wa...

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Living in the Troll Age

Fifty years ago, the internet was used as a medium to communicate between two individuals.  Over time, it ...

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ASHA workers can play a Significant Role in managing Non-communicable Diseases

India is a country where quality health care remains a privilege of the rich and influential. But a silent army of women, clad in pink sarees, ...

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Governments to take more efforts to achieve Paris Climate Goal

On 12 December 2015 in Paris, parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reached a landmark agreement to com...

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Need for a New Social Contract to Guard the Rising Inequality

Mankind has always been afraid of where its talent for innovation might lead. John Maynard Keynes warned in 1930 of widespread unemployment ari...

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Can we save our Planet from the Hothouse Earth Scenario?

A “Hothouse Earth” climate will in the long term stabilize at a global average of 4-5°C higher ...

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Point of View: From Streets to Table

Nothing reflects a culture as its cuisine. Here’s a perspective on India’s food culture....

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