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Science Is Non Partisan, Says Silicon Valley 'March For Science' Organizers

When it comes to fervent political activism, scientists may not pop to mind as the most likely group of folks to take a stand. However, the April 22 March for Science in Wa...

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The Last Job On Earth: Imagining A Fully Automated World

Machines could take 50% of our jobs in the next 30 years, according to scientists. While we can’t predict the future, we can imagine a world without work – one ...

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Tiny Silk Batteries Dissolve Within Weeks

A flexible battery made of gauzy silk films could power electronics and then melt away after a preset number of days (ACS Energy Lett. 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.7b00...

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Soon, Doctors Can ‘See’ A Fever

Visual, non-invasive monitoring of body temperature of patients without using a thermometer may become a reality soon, thanks to the work carried out by a team of scientist...

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Receding Glacier Causes Immense Canadian River To Vanish In Four Days

An immense river that flowed from one of Canada’s largest glaciers vanished over the course of four days last year, scientists have reported, in an unsettling illustr...

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Living in China’s Expanding Deserts

This desert, called the Tengger, lies on the southern edge of the massive Gobi Desert, not far from major cities like Beijing. The Tengger is growing. For years, China&rsqu...

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Large Sections Of Australia’s Great Reef Are Now Dead, Scientists Find

SYDNEY, Australia — The Great Barrier Reef in Australia has long been one of the world’s most magnificent natural wonders, so enormous it can be seen from space...

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Rules Of Memory 'Beautifully' Written

What really happens when we make and store memories has been unravelled in a discovery that surprised even the scientists who made it. The US and Japanese team found that t...

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We Might Soon Resurrect Extinct Species. Is It Worth the Cost?

With enough determination, money and smarts, scientists just might revive the woolly mammoth, or some version of it, by splicing genes from ancient mammoths into Asian elep...

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Raising A Glass To Camel Milk

What’s new with rabdi, gulab jamuns, roshogollas and kulfi? How about—camel milk? Or, if sweets are not your thing, try the camel milk coffee, tea or lassi. At ...

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