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Bosnia’s War Childhood Museum Goes Global

As stated by UNICEF itself, children are especially vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and trafficking during em...

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Love Hurts And Love Heals

When Isabel Allende’s The House of the Spirits came in 1985, it became an international bestseller. The Chil...

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The Tale: A First Person Account on Life as a Survivor

We finally have a film which takes on the #MeToo movement. Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein's scandal kicked off an international reckoni...

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The Alcott Family that inspired the ‘Little Women’

Little Women, the story of the four March sisters in Louisa May...

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Questioning Society’s long history of Villainizing Women

Amanda Knox knows all too well what it’s like to be made into a villain. The 30-year-old writer-activist'...

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Giuseppe Verdi’s Masterpiece: A Retirement Home for Musicians

The problem of old age loneliness persists among retired musicians too. Giuseppe Verdi, an Italian opera compos...

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TED talks the Audacious Project

TED, the non-profit known for its immensely popular video lectures—or TED Talks— has announced the ...

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When Love Dies

The title may sound mundane but Tayari Jones’s An America...

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Can Facebook Weaponize Information and Incite Violence?

While the recent Cambridge Analytica data privacy scandal is the main focus for American lawmakers questioning ...

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The ‘Lost City’ in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean under Threat

Deep-sea mineral extraction is regarded as one of the most important global industries of the future, with bill...

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