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Learning Today for a Sustainable Future

The international community has been striving to shape a safer and richer future for the world. This was the purpose of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adopted by t...

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True Review: Interstellar

Director: Christopher Nolan

Cast: Matthew Mc Conaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine

Rating: 4 s...

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Hollywood Pastor Crowdfunds $4 Million, Launches

The first ever “World Adoption Day” is set for November 9th, 2014. The brainchild of entrepreneurial pastor,Hank Fortener, the campaign also includes Scott Harr...

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Progress on Family Planning Means Progress for All

Family Planning 2020 launched Partnership in Progress, a report on global efforts to fulfill the ambitious goal set at the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning: deliver li...

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PM?s climate change council recast

The Union government reconstituted the Prime Minister?s Council on Climate Change on Wednesday to coordinate the National Action Plan for Assessment, Adaptation and Mitigat...

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Former Hollywood mogul finds fulfilment in a Cambodian rubbish dump

Scott Neeson left the movie industry for Southeast Asia and set up the Cambodian Children’s Fund
The Apostle Paul’s epiphany came in a blinding flash on th...

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Waves of Change

My recent visits to the beach have been rather fulfilling, owing to my new found passion, Surfing. My perception of it was altered by my very first experience of a wipeout....

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Seth Rogen’s Hilarity for Charity Brings Laughs for a Good Cause

Seth Rogen and friends dressed in their spiffiest prom attire and laughed for a good cause Friday night at the third annual Hilarity for Charity fundraiser presented by Gen...

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PM?s panel on climate change to be revived

The government is all set to reconstitute and revive the Prime Minister?s Council on Climate Change, an advisory body that has not met in the last three years, as India pre...

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Rajasthan to introduce Pentavalent Vaccine

Rajasthan is all set to introduce pentavalent vaccine under the routine immunisation plan from November 1.As many as 16 lakh children in the State will receive the vaccine ...

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