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ICHR: India's First Hospital-linked Digital Platform for Keeping Children's Health Records Launched

Your child's health records will now be made available at a click of a button. India's first ever digital platform, the Integrated Child Health Record (ICHR), for keeping a...

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Government Announces Digital Marketplace For Farmers

Imagine a digital marketplace for farmers, using which any farmer in any corner of the country can instantly sell their agri-products to any buyer, there by controlling the...

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Seeds For Cinema: An Interview With Dr Shravan Kumar, CEO, CFSI

“At CFSI we not only want to make films but also make film makers”
-Dr. Shravan Kumar
On the fifteenth of February, Director, Producer and Managing Di...

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Nodes Of Exploitation And Discontent: Economy In Fallout

Coming from a limited understanding of economics it is difficult for me to comment on the social economic landscape that dominates international markets and the intricate f...

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Hyderabad Man Travels Across India For A ‘World Without Borders’

Wearing a long leather jacket and a headscarf which gave the impression of popular revolutionary Che Guevara, Mohammad Akram Firoze was busy in the last-minute preparations...

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Beyond Pink and Blue!

When a baby is born, the obstetrician announces “It’s a boy” or “It’s a girl.” As babies, children learn to categorize everyone as eithe...

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The Journey Continues

Hindi Theatre does not have it easy in Mumbai, still some groups are carrying on with dedication. Om Katare?s Yatri, that was one of the groups that was formed when Prithvi...

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Nigerian Woman Develops App To Reduce Mortality Rate In Africa

Miss Kesandu Nwokolo, a young Nigerian, has developed a mobile phone application to help reduce infant and maternal mortality in Africa. In a statement obtained by the News...

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These 15 Events Prove That 2015 Was A Good Year For Gender Equality In India

It’s been three years since December 16th, 2012. Three years since India was plunged into a social revolution of sorts, when the brutal gangrape of a 23 year old stud...

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Usage Of Tabs Revolutionises Health Services In Bangladesh

Forty-six-year old Jesmine Akhter had never used a computer until last month when she received a tab to enter data she collects in her village.She is a family welfare assis...

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