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Global Goals – the big fight against Global poverty

Goalkeepers17, the event hosted by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, brought together a generation of determined thinkers, doers and givers, sharing their work an...

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Learning From Grandmama To Defend Yourself?

Kenya Grandmoms Fight Back Against the Rapists- Literally!

The grandmoms of Kenya are not going to let the rapists dominate over them and therefore have resorted to...

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The One and Only Shot you've got to Have!

The saying "one for all, and all for one" has taken a whole new level of meaning, with this technology. Engineers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology have invented t...

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Rap and Flow – Giving Voice to Vision

To those who think speeches on social issues are boring, well step back as LOWE's had put together an event specially crafted to spread knowledge about the environmental ag...

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Investing in our Future

India has the world's biggest youth population, and is pinned to become home to the largest working-age population within the next two decades. A population of 1.2 billion ...

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The Lack of the Land

We may be the 4th fastest growing economy in the world, but something as basic as food is still a source of worry for a majority of our people.

A survey by the Nati...

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A Different Take on Health

India needs to improve its healthcare systems, and the recent Gorakhpur tragedy is just more evidence of the same. The question is not just of spending more bucks, it is ab...

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The North Indian pre-wedding ritual of the Ladies Sangeet, at which women gathered together to sing (some raunchy songs) an dance, minus the men. The cus...

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The Cost of Child Marriage

Child marriages are defined by global organizations as a formal marriage or an informal union entered upon by an individual before the age of 18, although cohabitation of t...

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Hashtag Marketing

The past few years have seen a shift in the face of marketing, with advertisers harnessing the addictive power of social media to publicize their brand. The newest addition...

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