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Famished India behind Myanmar and Bangladesh on the Global Hunger Index

With one of the highest rates of child malnutrition in the world, India has won notoriety as one of the nutritional basket cases of the world over the past few years. Globa...

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#EyeOnClimate – to Make this World a Better Place to Live

Although climate change presents one of the greatest threats to the future of our children and our planet, many perceive this issue as distant and abstract. Naturally, peop...

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Air Pollution than AIDS and TB kills more people in India

A report published by The Lancet Commission on pollution and health ranks India the No. 1 spot for pollution-related deaths with 2.51 million deaths in 2015. The S...

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TED Talks now on Indian television to inspire and motivate Indians across the Country

TED (Technology Entertainment Design) is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. They believe p...

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Displacement follows terror: Rights of millions concerns our world.

"They forced us onto trucks like animals".  A 55-page report titled thus has shook the world. The document, chronicles the atrocities committed by Cameroonian...

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Generation Z: Don't genders other than homosexuality and heterosexuality exist?

There has been a generational shift in sexuality, shows research carried out by polling company Ipsos Mori for the BBC. As confusing as this might sound to some - and at ti...

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Homosexuality is accepted in Bollywood but when portrayed in films, it is either stereotyped or they're homophobic

India is the largest film producing country in the world. The Indian cinema is not only viewed within the nation but also among the expanding network of communities across ...

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India is not the only country rich with festivals - South Korea is no less!

Korea has a lot to offer with its varied culture, history, and tradition. For short-term visitors to South Korea, there's no better way to appreciate the country's true cha...

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Blood in the Rakhine

The United Nations recognizes every individual, by virtue of birth, to have an equal right to dignity, and consider this the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the...

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You think you know about Schizophrenia? Lets find out...

Schizophrenia a long-term mental disorder involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions...

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