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Locals Are Knitting Giant Sweaters For Rescued Elephants In This Mathura Village

Winter isn’t winter, if you aren’t all snuggled up into your own version of a blanket burrito, with some hot chocolate to keep you company. The weather has been...

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New Species Of Gibbon Discovered In China

Scientists have discovered a new species of gibbon living in south-west China’s rainforests. Although scientists had been studying the primate for some time, new rese...

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Bird Species Vanish From UK Due To Climate Change And Habitat Loss

Climate change has already led to the vanishing of some bird species in parts of England, where intensively farmed land gives them no room to adapt to warming temperatures....

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The Top 10 Scientific Discoveries That Renewed Our Faith In Humanity This Year

On each of the three NASA Mars rovers, there’s a tiny inscription written on the sun dial. It details the mission and what us mere Earthlings hoped to achieve by send...

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India’s First Underwater Art Competition Has A Fantastic Goal

While it’s easy to see the degradation of the environment on land, it isn’t so easy to tell what’s going on under the surface of water bodies. The ocean h...

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Cheetah 'More Vulnerable To Extinction Than Previously Thought'

Urgent action is needed to stop the cheetah – the world’s fastest land animal– becoming extinct, experts have warned. Scientists estimate that only 7,100 ...

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Grass Was Greener But Wildlife Struggled In Muggy 2016

Farmers made hay but rampant grass growth in 2016 made life hard for butterflies and even puffin chicks, according to a review of the year’s wildlife and weather by t...

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200,000 Years Of Staggering Human Population Shown On Animated Map

Last night, during a talk on his new book Raising the Floor, longtime labor leader and current senior fellow at Columbia University Andy Stern told the story of a king and ...

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New Map Reveals Shattering Effect Of Roads On Nature

Rampant road building has shattered the Earth’s land into 600,000 fragments, most of which are too tiny to support significant wildlife, a new study has revealed. The...

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Born Free USA And Ian Somerhalder Foundation Partner To Support Fur For The Animals Campaign

This week, Born Free USA and the Ian Somerhalder Foundation (ISF) announced a partnership to support both organizations’ efforts to educate youth on wildlife conserva...

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