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Double standards… all the way!

Humra Quraishi goes over the many events of recent past in which it is getting clearer by the day that the discrimination agai...

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Grusha Kapoor on her Acts!

Aparajita Krishna walks down the road of actor Grusha Kapoor’s life, and career, which started at the young age of 15. Read More

Hinduism, not Hindutva, was Nehru’s idea of India

Let us not be in any illusion. Being complacent basis the belief that there’s any sensitivity left in the discourse would be wrong, write...

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Game Changer, Marketer, Entertainer, Interpreter: The Film Critic

Monojit Lahiri investigates through the incisive commentary of critics as well as filmmakers, what film reviews and film criti...

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Another Ravi Varma: Mankada

Kerala Varma talks about the magic in the work of the low profile cinematographer of Adoor whose work made the layman sit up a...

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Celebrating Bachchan!

It’s his 79th birthday on the 11th October, and S M M Ausaja writes that It’s not easy to ch...

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The art of Gaganendranath Tagore

At the height of darkness comes the first stirrings of dawn - a renaissance in the arts, literature and social life. It is against this backdro...

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Silence: The language of God

A piece of appreciation of Martin Scorsese’s 2016 epic historical drama Silence, by Berges Santok


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Sagar Sawarkar & the Indian Idol Connect!

Aparajita Krishna travels with Sagar Sawarkar’s musical journey and shares her experience with us.

Posters Forever!

Khalid Mohamed, tracks the spiralling demand for nostalgia-exuding vintage Bollywood posters a...

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