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by HUMRA QURAISHI October 13 2024, 12:00 am Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins, 13 secs

"The ongoing struggle in Kashmir reveals deep-rooted political betrayal, human rights violations, and escalating anger. Will the people’s voices be heard, or will the Valley remain a silenced territory?" Humra Quraishi writes…

Photography (Jammu, Kathua, Delhi 2020): Vinta Nanda

The Kashmir Valley continues to experience escalating tensions due to political betrayal, human rights violations, and the suppression of free speech. The alliance between the BJP and PDP, once justified for "development," fuelled anger and alienation among Kashmiris. With crackdowns on media, protests met with violence, and the unresolved issues of AFSPA, the people of Kashmir are demanding their voices be heard. As the Right-Wing looms closer with having won practically all the seats in the Jammu region, the future of Kashmir remains uncertain, with the need for dialogue more urgent than ever. 

A Valley Kept at Bay  

The RSS-BJP alliance has long been kept out of Kashmir’s core territory—the Valley. In the most recent elections, the masses made every possible effort to ensure that the Right-Wing parties did not gain power, at least in their homeland. The people of Kashmir have witnessed their situation deteriorate over the years, to the point where they are now fearful of expressing their concerns. The atmosphere is one of suppressed anger, held tightly in check for fear of the consequences.

As someone who has been reporting from the Valley for years, I saw the signs of worsening conditions as early as the 1990s. But I never imagined the scale to which state oppression would grow—so much so that basic freedoms like speech and movement are all but non-existent. Fear dominates daily life.

The most shocking political blow came in 2015 when the Muftis—Mehbooba and her father, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed—formed an alliance with the BJP to govern Jammu and Kashmir. Many prominent members of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) were outraged by this alliance. The Muftis, however, claimed it was necessary for the so-called "development" of the Valley.

Resignations and Betrayal

One of the most vocal dissenters was PDP leader Tariq Hameed Karra, who resigned from both the party and Parliament. Karra, known for defeating political heavyweight Farooq Abdullah in the 2014 elections, explained that he felt "suffocated" ever since the PDP decided to align with the BJP. He could not justify this to his people. "How could I defend forming an alliance with a communal party—the BJP?" Karra lamented. His frustration stemmed not just from the alliance, but from the worsening human rights situation in the Valley. "Mosques were being locked, even on Fridays and during Eid," he said. "I didn’t want to be part of a government that was deceiving our people."

The situation on the ground confirmed Karra’s fears. Traveling through Srinagar and nearby districts, I saw no signs of the development the government had promised—only anger and despair. The killing of Burhan Wani by security forces in 2016 further inflamed the situation, leading to widespread protests that were met with brutal violence. Children and teenagers were caught in the crossfire, suffering from lifelong disabilities, impaired vision, and shattered lives.

Media Muzzling and Fear

As tensions escalated, the government cracked down on communication and the media. Newspapers were shut down, and questions swirled: Why silence the press? What was the establishment trying to hide? Instead of addressing the root causes of unrest, more security forces were deployed. TV debates were filled with experts discussing the use of force to "settle" the crisis, but none of these experts dared visit the Valley to witness the devastation firsthand.

Despite the establishment’s efforts to crush dissent, the people’s anger could not be extinguished. It simmers beneath the surface, with no outlet, no platform, and no leader to amplify their grievances. The most recent elections made it clear: the people of the Valley do not want Right-Wing politicians in their midst. Yet, the threat remains, as election results from Jammu show a creeping presence of these forces.


The Road Ahead: Dialogue or Disregard?

As political orders continue to flow from New Delhi, the crucial question remains: Will the government bypass the Kashmiris, or will it finally start a meaningful dialogue? The growing alienation of the youth is evident—why is it being ignored? The Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) drags with it a legacy of human rights abuses, including fake encounters, unmarked graves, and illegal detentions. Who will answer for these atrocities? Why should Kashmiris continue to be pawns in political games? Why must an entire generation be ruined because of political treachery?

The growing disconnect between the people of Kashmir and the political rulers in New Delhi is not just a regional issue—it is a human tragedy. The anger, frustration, and sense of betrayal will not subside unless there is a genuine effort to address the root causes of the Valley’s discontent. The time for political posturing has passed—what is needed now is action.   

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