Rush Hour Producer Arthur Sarkissian Is Making A Movie About Elderly Jewel Thieves
by The Daily Eye Team February 2 2016, 10:47 pm Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 45 secsOne of the hardest things about getting old, other than all of your friends dying and the lack of good Hollywood roles, is the way that people assume you can’t really do anything. You may have been a legendary jewel thief in your salad days, but if you’ve got some gray hairs and you announce that you’re going to steal some jewels, everyone laughs at you. Age is only a number, though, and there’s nothing that says an elderly person can’t steal priceless jewels just as well as a young person. That’s why the story of London’s “Hatton Garden Heist” is so inspiring. It was apparently the biggest burglary in England’s history, and it was all masterminded by four older gentlemen aged 58-76. Take that, whippersnappers!